Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Strange Dream

Last night I had the most peculiar dream. Me and my family were invited to a important church meeting. Our Bishop emphasized to dress our very best and to invite any and all whom we cared for and loved, such as family and friends. So we show up, and in the church building's gym, there are long tables with refreshments, crowds of people everywhere with not enough tables and chairs to seat all of them, and every one is dressed in their Sunday's best.
Me and my family start to mingle with others, and I end up finding my future mother in law, Susan, and my future sister in law, Jenna. Jenna asked me "Why do you think Bishop called this meeting?" I told her i simply had no idea, and then Susan pulled me aside and told me in a very hushed voice, "Bishop told me that this was going to be the hardest and most memorable experience any of us have ever witnessed. I'm a little scared, Lindsay."
Our sweet Bishop comes out and announces, "Within a few minutes, everyone in the building will be in tears. We're locked in, so no one can leave until we are done for the evening. I urge each of you to find those who are closest to your hearts in the room, and stay near to them." and with that, he left the stage and I didn't see him again. My friend Jenny found me. She was with her dad, who is ill with cancer, and she said "Lindsay I have a bad feeling in my gut." I looked at her and tried to reassure her that we were where we needed to be. Then I noticed her father beginning to look a little strange. He had started to turn transparent and he was fading away. Jenny began sobbing as soon as she saw her father. there was a strange glow in the room and the source of the light was coming from the center of the ceiling where there was a golden orb hovering. "Daddy, what's wrong with you?" he did not answer her, he only looked at her and placed his half invisible hand on her cheek and smiled. He began to walk towards the center of the room where other fading people were gathering. Jenny started to become transparent as well. "Jenny!" I  grabbed her hand and tried to hole her back, but she squeezed my hand and whispered, "I have to go." and then she made my hand drop from hers. I ran to find my parents. My mom and dad were fine, they were just as confuse as I was. everyone was going into a panic because more than half of the room was full of transparent loved ones.
Jenna and Susan found me both in tears and Jenna said "Lindsay I'm scared!" I held her close and told them to stay with me and my family. My little sister Kaitlyn was at this point in my arms as well. Then this little glass box appeared. it sort of looked like an empty fish tank. Jenna pointed it out and asked me what it was. I didn't know, so i crouched down to look at it. there were little swirling golden lights in it. They turned into loved ones who had passed away. Jenna's father was there, my grandpa, my aunt, many other faces that i did not entirely recognize... it was breath taking.
My bishop came back out and said "Brother's and Sister's, this is very much like how the second coming will be. We will lose and gain loved ones just like you are experiencing tonight. It will be hard, but it will be rewarding." then the golden glowing lights in the room faded and everything and everyone was back to normal. Jenny's dad was solid again and he was looking better than he had been looking for a long time. He said "I...I feel...healthy." His cancer was gone. Everyone in the room who had had some kind of illness or something wrong with them... it was all cured.

it was a powerful dream. I almost cried while telling my mom about it.
anyway, I just thought I'd share it with all of you.

1 comment:

  1. My dreams are always retarded. Or terrifying. I'm suddenly feeling a lot like bursting into song a la the large black man playing Ruben in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat...
    "The dreams are more than crystal clear,
    The writing on the wall
    Means that Joseph some day soon
    Will rise above us all
    The accuracy of the dreams
    We brothers do not know
    But one thing we are sure about
    The dreamer
    Has to go"

    Don't worry. I won't sell you to hairy Ishmaelites and rub goat's blood all over your clothes. But dang, stop making me look so bad all the time, would you? :)
