Saturday, April 2, 2011

Foul Bachelor Frog and Duck Face

I pretty much love Tumblr.
And I also love the Foul Bachelor Frog. He makes me laugh until I'm drooling, and when I get kind of bored with that, I go to Anti Duck Face and suddenly I feel like I have abs.
Let me share with you some of the funny treasures on these sights. Sorry in advance for the possible foul language. I'm just copying and pasting here.

.......Pretty much the story of my life.

And this one takes the cake with the caption "oh. oh jesus. um. we’re sorry about subjecting you to this picture, people. christ, we’re assholes."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! IT GETS ME EVERY TIME!!!!  I'm dying from lack of oxygen now... hahahahhahhahhahahahaha

I'm not sure this one is human...

seriously... how is that picture even humanly possible!? and holy cow, chick, can you put ANY MORE bling on your freaking nails?! Jeeze, just shine a flashlight on those bad boys and you got yourself a disco!


.........yeah. That one is pretty much my teenage life in a nutshell.

okay, so now that we've had some laughs and giggle, and possible gut-busting action, you all should really look at those websites. They will change your life. When you're bored, or have nothing important to do, or you need to kill time before class, go to tumblr or anti duck face. It's highly amusing. You may get some odd looks ... but it's entirely worth it. I was looking at Anti Duck Face this last Tuesday in between classes at the Institute building across from BC, and I'm pretty sure half the people in the room thought I was mentally ill, or something.

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