Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Some Thoughts With Some Pictures

Okay guys, I'm totally in my office right now with not a whole lot to do, so I'm using stumble upon and I'm coming across some interesting, inspiring, hilarious, and beautiful things. And, of course, I'm passing it on to you. : )

 Recently I just blogged about beauty. This picture would have been perfect to throw in with it. If you have not read my beauty blog, read it here. Also, I totally agree with this picture. Everyone needs to smile, because every one is beautiful or handsome in their own way.

 Okay, now I know we all have our judgmental points in our life, "Oh my, why would anyone let her out of the house like that?!" Sitting in my little office that over looks my entire neighborhood, I find it quite hard to not be judgmental sometimes. Often times I end up texting Clint telling him "Please, don't ever let me wear/do ____." Which is honestly silly. Why waste energy focusing on all the wrong in the world? I am going to challenge myself and all of you to say something nice about someone, whether it's out loud or just to yourself, when you are tempted to criticize. We can do that!

Now, I can think of someone right off the top of my head that is a perfect role model of this. President Deiter F. Uchtdorf. I love that man! He's always smiling and he delivers such sweet, simple, and loving messages. For those of you who are unfamiliar with President Uchtdorf, he is a leader in the Mormon church. He's such a sweet and happy man. Clint and I were discussing what it would be like to meet him, and Clint said, "There's no way you could be upset or angry the moment he walked in the room. He's just so happy all the time, he'd completely turn around the atmosphere and everyone would have joy in their hearts."

 Now for a little humor to end this blog. I don't like drinking. I'm completely opposed to it. People do stupid things when they drink, and this little comic kind of highlights some of the stupid things people have done. It made me laugh. :D Haha!

Moral of this blog:

1. Smile, you are beautiful.
2. Challenge: Don't be so judgemental.
3. Be so happy it rubs off on people.
and finally 4. Don't Drink.

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