Friday, May 11, 2012

90-Day Inspection

So earlier this week my boss shoots me an email stating that I had to meet with her in a sort of another interview to see how I'm doing with this job. So what do I do? Panic. PanicPanicPanicPanic. I emailed my friend Connie, who trained me when I first started as an apartment manager, asking her all sorts of "What do I do" & "What's going to happen," type of questions. She told me to relax and that it would be a cake-walk. Connie said that it would basically be an interview where I ask question on things I'm uncertain of, and where my boss will let me know if I need to improve on anything.

Okay, I got this.

Well this morning I woke up nervous. I got up with Clint this morning at 6:30, ate a waffle, cleaned the house, paced, showered, got dressed, put make up on, and then proceeded to stare at the clock. Time seemed like it was standing still. So in order to make time move faster so I could get this nerve-racking event done and over with, I played some Skyrim. It worked. I played my video game for like an hour before I had to leave. So, off to the office I went!

When I got there, my heart started pounding. I kept thinking to myself "this is silly, why am I so nervous? Kerrie (my boss) is so nice." I went in and suddenly, my heart stopped pounding against my rib cage. I was completely calm. Woo Hoo! I went into Kerrie's office and sat down. We chit-chatted a little bit back and forth and then we got down to business. Kerrie asked me how I liked the job, if I had any questions, or if I needed any supplies... I told her I honestly loved my job, and I asked her a couple of questions that I had, and the only thing I needed from her was.... brace your self.......

Paper Clips.

We both kind of laughed at that. She told me that I was doing a fantastic job and that I really picked everything up pretty quickly. She then asked me if I'd ever be interested in managing a larger complex or working full-time. I told that I would be able to work full time and that I'd be greatly interested in working larger complexes. Kerrie was super glad to hear that.

I love my apartments that I work at right now, and I'd love to stay here for a while. But within the next few years, I think I'd be able to tackle a big complex (which would mean moving). So I guess for now, I will just continue to learn and gain experience here and if I end up moving on to bigger and better things, then I will welcome it with open arms! : )

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