Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Image of Beauty

Okay, so I don't really know why this is on my mind this morning, but I've decided I'm going to blog about beauty, or at least my interpretation of it.

I believe beauty can be classified as an outer imprint of what lies within someone's heart. Yes, there are some very attractive people that are maybe not so nice... like Megan Fox. Megan Fox is very pretty. She's got the body, the looks, and talent. However, I'm pretty sure the character she plays in the movie "Jennifer's Body" isn't very far from her natural behavior. Do I know this to be a fact? No. I don't honestly know Megan Fox at all. All I know is a lot of trashy people I knew growing up were in love with her. My opinion on that matter is that you attract people similar to you. Megan Fox knows she's hot. And she flaunts it. I don't agree with that behavior.

I believe humble beauty is the most attractive personality trait someone can have. Now, don't judge me for what I'm about to reference... But the new boy-band, One Direction, sings an adorable song called "What Makes You Beautiful." Now the first time I heard this on the radio, I was taken aback. This song mentions nothing about boobs, butt, body, or sex. SHOCKING! This little song talks about a shy, humble girl that doesn't know she's attractive. And the boys sing these lyrics:

 "Baby you light up my world like no body else. The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed. The way you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell you don't know you're beautiful. Beautiful, if only you could see what I can see, you'd understand why I want you so desperately. Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe you don't know you're beautiful."

Now, personally I love this song. It's sweet, and it's got a catchy little tune. If you haven't heard it, I advise you to go to youtube right now and look it up. I think girls should be hearing more of these type of messages in music today. Growing up in a society that demands perfection is hard when you are far from perfect. When I was growing up, I was overweight, hairy, and one of the only white kids in my elementary and junior high. I was teased and poked at a lot. It sucked, and the media back then wasn't nearly as bad as it is now. My little sister-in-law is a beautiful young woman. She's blonde-haired, blue-eyed, thin, pretty and smart. She came up to me after school one day and told me that some girls were teasing her because she didn't shave her arms. "Wait... you have hair on your arms?" I asked. She has the blondest, finest hair. It's practically peach fuzz. You can't feel it or hardly see it on her. I couldn't believe it.

Another example which I will use my sister-in-law for is make up. Girls, you really don't need it. It's fun to wear, yes, but it's not necessary. My sister-in-law went to a giant pool birthday party last weekend and when she came back, she looked like a little raccoon. I kind of poked fun at her and asked "Why on Earth would you wear make-up to a pool party?" Her response: "I'm ugly without it."


Okay! That's the saddest thing I've ever heard! All these stupid ads on television promoting girls to hide their naturally pretty faces under ungodly amounts of makeup and powders has burnt messages into young girl's minds! "I'm ugly without it"?! Bull. Absolute bull.

I understand if you want to cover up some blemishes, but girls, you have to understand... every one has pimples. Celebrities have them, dogs have them, I have them, Men have them... EVERYONE. It's a natural thing. Now if you want to wear a little bit of makeup to enhance one of your features, like eyes, sure. Go ahead. But don't over-do it. Please. Too much make up makes you look trashy, and I'm pretty sure you're not going for that kind of a look, right?

Now, call me a die-hard harry potter fan if you want, but I absolutely LOVE Emma Watson. I think she's beautiful, inside and out.

She's got the natural look. A little bit of make up around her eyes, and, lets be honest, she probably has a little bit of foundation on too. She's famous and this was a photo shoot. BUT, she has just enough make up to enhance her naturally pretty face. I'm pretty sure she looks just about the same without make up on. Another thing I like about Emma is the fact that she isn't made of plastic. She's all natural. She doesn't have gigantic fake boobs, or a badonkadonk (like Niki Manaj, good Lord... ) and she gave the following quote wich made me forever love her to pieces!

Click on the image to make it bigger if you're having trouble reading it, but basically what she's saying is that the whole idea of being "Sexy" is kind of silly. Girls that go out with everything they have hanging out is just ...well, gross in my opinion. Emma kind of agrees, and states that "less is more." Now, no, this isn't what you're thinking. By saying "Less is More," she isn't saying that the less clothing you have on, the more attractive you become, no that isn't it at all. Emma's saying that the less skin you can see, the more people can wonder and appreciate the sacredness of your beauty.

In today's world, fashion is key. However, most of the options for clothing are highly immodest. Short shorts, low-cut shirts, backless dresses... they are everywhere and popular. So girls buy them and wear them, leaving very little to the imagination. Girls, you are SO much better than that. Your bodies are sacred, don't flaunt everything you've got to everyone on the street. It's honestly not appealing to the right kind of crowd. Girls, think back to when you were little... You probably had dreams and wishes of your very own prince charming who would love you and think you were the prettiest princess in the whole wide world, right? Well you're not going to find prince charming by letting your boobs and butt hang out. You'll probably find a guy who may come across as a charming young man, but really, if someone approaches you because they like what they see (and if you're wearing immodest clothing, they may only be seeing some things that are not meant to be seen in public) he probably doesn't care at all about who you really are. He just wants you for your body.

You need to find someone who will fall in love with your inner beauty before your outer beauty. Sure, a pretty face can help attract people, but your personality and your heart are what keep your Prince Charming around forever.

You don't have to be model-thin, or have a sculpted face all painted up to look like someone you're not. Try wearing LESS make up- "less is more!" and show the world who you really are. Instead of worrying about your looks and comparing yourself to others, I want you to look in the mirror and complement yourself. Do it. Do this for a week straight, find something new to compliment your foxy self on each and every day for an entire week! Or if you're in for a bigger and better challenge, try it for a month straight. I promise, you will love yourself and appreciate your own natural beauty that you were born with more than ever before. Another thing you can do that will make you attractive is something so simple and so overlooked, people forget about it... Just be yourself.

You can try to be like someone else, sure. That's okay, I guess... But you need to take the time to remember, there's only one of you. You are an original. No one else can be you, no one else can see you if you are not simply being you. Be a role model. Maybe not for looks specifically, but attitude-wise. Be nice to people, compliment others, and smile more. I have a quote on my living room wall that says, "The happiness you feel is in direct proportion to the love you give." I fully agree with that saying. 

Me and my friends are all a bunch of silly goobers, but we are happy and we love life. We may not all be perfect, but we are perfectly content.
Don't bother worrying about what everyone thinks you look like. Don't compare yourself to popular girls or famous people. Just be you. Love yourself and appreciate your natural beauty.

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