Thursday, May 10, 2012

Breast Feeding

So I opened up my web browser and on the Yahoo home page there was a link to this Time Magazine Cover. Now, okay, my first thought to seeing this was "Oh that poor kid... When he gets older, he'll be known as the 'boobie kid.'" Honestly, I support the idea of breast feeding. It's natural, and very beneficial to the baby. However, taking a picture of it happening, and letting the kid feed for that long... I don't think so. Clint and I discussed it and we both decided that once the baby can start asking for it verbally, then it's time to switch to bottles. Another thing... Why on Earth would you do it in public? Couldn't that be counted as indecent exposure in public? Like, yeah it's a natural, beautiful thing, but I also believe it's personal and should be kept private.

If you watch the video in that link, you'll see a little bit of the debate on breast feeding. My personal opinion on the matter is: Yes. Breast feed if the baby takes to it. But if you know you're going out for more than an hour, pump some of that magic stuff into a bottle! It will taste the same, it will have the same nutrients and texture, and that way you don't have to worry about flashing every one around you.

As much as I dislike Kim Kardashian (or however you spell her name...) I agree with what she says in that video clip. I don't want to see boobs when I'm eating.

I want to enjoy my Caesar Salad and Dr. Pepper, the company of my friends/family/husband and the atmosphere in the restaurant. I can't imagine indulging in my salad, looking up from my plate and seeing a boob and thinking, "Aw, that's totally okay here." No. It would be more like, "AW. I'm not hungry any more." followed by a sad face. I said earlier that breast feeding is beautiful. I still stand by that. But you know what else is a beautiful thing? Making love. BUT YOU DON'T SEE ANYONE DOING THAT IN PUBLIC. Or at least, I HOPE you don't... Some of life's most beautiful things are personal and sacred. So let's keep them private, yes? I think so.

1 comment:

  1. That picture is gross. I agree and disagree with you. First off, that magazine cover is not an accurate depiction of extended breast feeding. The magazine is trying to cause controversy and stimulate debate. However, I would never breast feed my kid for that long. I honestly don't think I would breastfeed past 1 year old. And breast feeding in public (even with one of those blanket cover things) is a big pet peeve of mine. I agree with you--plan ahead and pump that shi, man! Or at the very least excuse yourself and go somewhere more private. It's so awkward when you're just talking to someone and then all of the sudden they whip out a boob and start feeding their kid. I just shuddered thinking about it. bleh. But, I do have to point out that neither of us are mothers yet, so we shouldn't necessarily be so judgmental. But it's in our blood, so we can't help it. :)
