Thursday, March 1, 2012

Smell is Important to Me

Okay, so you know when you walk into someone's house, you can instantly smell whatever/whoever lives there? Well, I've walked into some pleasant-smelling houses, and some not-so-pleasant smelling houses. So I'm an absolute nut about how my house smells. I'm really stingy with my money, but I will (and have) splurge on things like those little Glade plug-in oils, air fresheners, fabric sprays, and cleaning products that smell absolutely delicious. Like, for example, I have citrus scented swiffer pads, my trash bags have a lemon-fresh scent, and I have at least 2 glades in each room. Not to mention three scentsy warmers; 2 in the kitchen/dining room area and one in the bedroom. I don't want my house to be all stanky. I will not be "that woman with the horrid smelling house." I won't.

And I'm not! WOO! Every time someone knocks on my door, they comment on how good my apartment smells. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

I've explained to Clint (my husband) how much I enjoy pleasant smells. He laughed about it a little at first, but after I explained how nice it is to not walk into a bad smelling house, and how nice it is to walk into a really good smelling house, he agreed with me. He knows I'm incredibly cheap when it comes to shopping, but I think he finds it somewhat amusing that I have almost no standards when it comes to spending money on something that smells good. I mean, I've been pretty good about waiting for things to go on sale. But if I need/want some more plug ins or new room spray, I will usually just get it if I'm already at the store.

Like, last week, Target had a sale on all their room freshener products. I bought four or five packages of Glade oils. The sale wasn't really significant. But it was a sale nonetheless. I spent like $20 on just that stuff alone.

I only burn the scentsy after I cook food. Cause it's really strong and it works really fast. The rest of the time I just have my plug ins and I use room spray whenever I clean (usually every other day). And I feel so pleased with myself when someone tells me that our apartment smells good.

Good Lord, the other night at the pizza parlor, Clint came to eat dinner with me on my break and when he sat down next to me, I got a big whiff of him, and I said, "Oh man! You smell so good!" then I smelled him. It wasn't cologne, it wasn't body wash... IT WAS THE SMELL OF HOME! Clint and I had a good laugh. We are both so glad that our home doesn't smell like Rusty's Pizza. No offense... but no greasy smells. PLEASE.

Speaking of Clint...
He uses that old spice swagger body spray... and it is so cracktastically delicious smelling. Screw that crappy axe brand! OLD SPICE ROCKS! The first time he used that, I kept following him around the apartment because he smelled so good. He laughed at me and asked what the heck I was doing. My response was, "Don't ask questions, just accept me for who I am." We have a very funny relationship. I love my husband so much. (and his old spice.)

So yeah, moral of the story, a good smelling home (and husband) makes for a happy fulfilling lifestyle. Life is good when it smells good. Hahahaha!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, yep! Old Spice is the best! I've been on the Spice since I started wearing deodorant.
