Saturday, March 10, 2012

So the "J" makes an "H" sound...

Okay, so for those of you who don't know me as well as some others, I am seriously the whitest chick ever. I can't roll my R's very well (hardly at all, really), Mexican food hates my guts (I'm allergic to it or something), I can't tan anymore for some unknown reason, and I'm pretty sure all my friends are white. Yeah, now that I think about it, all my close friends are, indeed, just as white as I am.

Okay, so I was lurking around on the internet one day, and I forget what site I was on... But someone had posted a comment that was pretty laughable, and I was reading the responding comments. Some were "oh that's funny", or "LOL," but there was ONE... ONE COMMENT... that I just didn't get.


Me, being the white girl that I am, read it as it looked. I read it as the J making a J sound. "JAJA!? WHAT IS THIS JAJAJA!? I DON'T GET IT."

So later that night I was talking to my friend, Kiersten, about it. And describing to her my confusion. She was laughing, because I was being pretty animated about how stupid it was and how it made absolutely no sense at all. Then I had an epiphany. I stopped in mid-sentence, and told Kiersten, "Holy crap! I GET IT! it's not 'JAJA', it's 'HHHHAHHHA', like the name Jose!" (thought I said the name "Jose," more like this, "HHHHHHHHOSAY")

so there you go, my dear readers: my Spanish epiphany.

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