Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Okay, so I've been collecting sauce jars (I had no idea why....until now). I've been trying to figure out something cute/simple/cheap to do with them. well this morning I had an epiphany! Fabric.

Even though it shames me to say this... I went to Walmart. I needed a hot glue gun and some cute fabric. As much as I hate that store, I will give them points for having good fabric selections. I even got a cute little pink hot glue gun for like $2! :D

So here's a step by step process of what I did to my jars:

First I had to clean out the jar and I had to soak it for about half an hour to get all the paper product off of the outside of it.

Then I had to choose my fabrics and matching ribbon. Then I wrapped part of the fabric around the jars and cut out the amount I needed. Just kind of pick up an edge and hold it against the jar, roll, and when the fabric meets, I gave it an extra inch to over lap, then I cut out the fabric for the jars.

After you have your fabric, just make sure your glue gun is ready to go, and bada-bing, bada-boom! here's the end result!

Super easy, super cheap, super quick. Now I just have to figure out what to put IN the Jars... great.

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