Friday, March 16, 2012


Okay, so I've been having some pretty darn strange dreams lately. I had one dream about some gigantic worms and another dream where Beyonce was a man!

Yeah. Strange, right?

So the first dream was about some girl's that i've never even seen before. They were twins, and they were trapped in some building (i think it was like an abandoned hotel or something) with Clint, Britney and David, and Tyler and Nina. All 5 of them were walking down a hallway together, but then one of the twins stopped and looked over her shoulder at a door they had just passed. Without saying a word, she walked over to the door and opened it, and inside was just this huge void full of giant worms! Not only were they huge and fugly, but these thing could self-reproduce by vomiting. Yeah. VOMITING. They just choked out full-sized worms from their mouths. Nasty. Absolutely nasty.
So, anyway, one of the worms like, ate her, I guess, but then it spit her back up and she went all nutso and possessed. She walked back out into the hallway and followed my group of friends/family, and she grabbed Ty by his shoulder and they all warped to some outdoor BBQ party. Ty and David started doing some karaoke, and then the possessed twin started killing people. Her weapon of choice: half of a broken glass plate. No joke.
And I even made a picture, haha.

'Kay, so the next dream involved just about the same group of people, minus the twins. So it was Me, Clint, Britney, David, Ty, and Nina. We're all in Britney and David's apartment, just chilling, and then Beyonce busts in the front door and tells us about some rave party. She's also wearing a full body, sequin, spandex-type suit. She mentions Disco balls and Britney is bound and determined to go to this thing. Britney convinces David to go, and then she asks me and Clint. Clint wasn't exactly thrilled about the idea, "I'm kind of tired, I kind of just want to stay in tonight." Then Britney gets her sad puppy face on, and Clint feels bad, "Fine. I'm in." I kind of didn't want to go, but since Clint said he'd go, I decided to go to. Then Ty and Nina were more than willing to go. So off we all went with Beyonce.
So we're in some crazy rave party place and Beyonce starts dancing all crazy and powerful-black-woman-like, and she does some sort of head roll move, and then her hair/weave flies off and all of a sudded she kind of looks a bit like Gary Coleman. And then there's some obvious manly-parts starting to show in her sequins and spandex. So in a deep manly voice she pleads with us, "You can't tell anyone about my secret! If everyone found out I was a man, my career would be ruined!"

Then I woke up.
Sorry, guys, I don't want to paint what I saw in that dream.


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