Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Procrastination is Bad for My Health

Seriously, guys. It's freaking almost 3:30 in the morning. I put off doing my stupid 5-page essay, and a 2-page response paper all weekend cause i figured "Hey, I always have Monday's off, so I'll just do them then." Well guess what. I had to work tonight. From 6pm until closing. Well, one of the supervisors called me (BLAAAAAKE....) and asked "Hey can you come in early?"

"You're fired then."
"well, dang."

I'm kidding. That is NOT what happened. It's how the scenario played out in my head though when I wanted to say "No." I said "yes" instead. Honestly though, I have no idea why the heck I had to come in early. THERE WAS NOTHING TO DO. There was MAYBE 6 groups of people that came in tonight (and when i say "groups," I mean the groups were mostly couples or 2-3 people at a time.) So my question is this: WHY BLAKE, WHY!?!??!


oh well. Bigger paycheck. Well, we got done closing around midnight, and I still had.....about 90% of my paper to write. So before I headed home, I went to Food Maxx to buy me some Monster Energy Drinks (I know, shame on me. Big whoop. I know they're horribly bad for you, which is part of the reason why I'm writing this blog. my eyes are wide open and I'm all jittery! LORD HELP ME! Darn you Monster... DARN YOOOU!!!!!). I only drank one of the two that i bought. I'm shocked that I finished my homework already. Well, I guess my fingers are going at a million miles a second with all this sugar and caffeine in my system. I suppose that MUST be why I'm already done. Though I'm sure my paper is full of crap. Like I care at this point. I'm just happy i have SOMETHING to turn in tomorrow. Besides, it's just for the rough draft/peer editing portion of the assignment.

I have been in this situation multiple times in .... every school semester/quarter I have ever been in. When will I learn? Procrastination will be the death of me. I swear, one day my body will be ready to die and mentally I'll be saying, "No wait... just a few more hours. I'm still enjoying something completely unimportant." Thank you internet and itunes and Studio Ghibli and... I'm sure I've participated in multiple distracting things this weekend.

Well shoot, I hope I get some sleep before I have to go back to work tonight at 5pm. It's either sleep.... or the other Monster Can. the one that is sitting in my refrigerator. Not the one that is empty and coursing through my veins mocking me with every waking moment I am now suffering from. I WANT TO SLEEP. But I am in no way shape or form tired. ............I'm gonna die later on in the day. I'm sure it'll happen in class. I'll come down from this ridiculous hype and just crash and burn (snore).

And now I'm hungry. Great. Breakfast isn't for at least three more hours. *sob* Why did I procrastinate!?

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