Sunday, March 13, 2011


Japan was hit with an 8.9 earthquake, followed by a raging tsunami. Over 10k are dead, and their nuclear plant is leaking.

I'm absolutely heart broken by these series of events. Japan is a beautiful country full of sophistication and knowledge. I'm so scared for all the Japanese people right now... When I first heard about this tragedy a few days ago, I felt my heart sink. As I watched the news, I cried. I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't want to see any more of it. I've never had a bigger urge to just go hop on a plane and help people.

Sadly, I'm unable to do that for many reasons. BUT! As an artist, I am able to display my emotions through my art. I posted these paintings, above and below, on my deviant art page, and someone left me a comment to a link on Face Book. It's a Charity called Drawings for Japan.

So for all my fellow artists out there, or if anyone knows an artist... please share this page and let's all give Japan something. Let us show that we are thinking of them and that they are loved.

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