Thursday, March 31, 2011


BC student paints on the side - Features
holy crap! I'M IN MY SCHOOL PAPER!!!
today... the paper...
tomorrow... THE WORLD! bwaahahaha!

except in the paper, the editor chose like the crappiest piece of art ever. :< I was kind of bummed when i saw the stupid stippling picture. The article talks mostly about my digital stuff, so why not show a digital painting??? And I'm also kind of sad that Sandra (the lady that interviewed me) didn't mention Cameron Brian (my favorite art teacher at BC).

oh well, I'm sure (hoping) that I'll have other opportunities :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Procrastination is Bad for My Health

Seriously, guys. It's freaking almost 3:30 in the morning. I put off doing my stupid 5-page essay, and a 2-page response paper all weekend cause i figured "Hey, I always have Monday's off, so I'll just do them then." Well guess what. I had to work tonight. From 6pm until closing. Well, one of the supervisors called me (BLAAAAAKE....) and asked "Hey can you come in early?"

"You're fired then."
"well, dang."

I'm kidding. That is NOT what happened. It's how the scenario played out in my head though when I wanted to say "No." I said "yes" instead. Honestly though, I have no idea why the heck I had to come in early. THERE WAS NOTHING TO DO. There was MAYBE 6 groups of people that came in tonight (and when i say "groups," I mean the groups were mostly couples or 2-3 people at a time.) So my question is this: WHY BLAKE, WHY!?!??!


oh well. Bigger paycheck. Well, we got done closing around midnight, and I still had.....about 90% of my paper to write. So before I headed home, I went to Food Maxx to buy me some Monster Energy Drinks (I know, shame on me. Big whoop. I know they're horribly bad for you, which is part of the reason why I'm writing this blog. my eyes are wide open and I'm all jittery! LORD HELP ME! Darn you Monster... DARN YOOOU!!!!!). I only drank one of the two that i bought. I'm shocked that I finished my homework already. Well, I guess my fingers are going at a million miles a second with all this sugar and caffeine in my system. I suppose that MUST be why I'm already done. Though I'm sure my paper is full of crap. Like I care at this point. I'm just happy i have SOMETHING to turn in tomorrow. Besides, it's just for the rough draft/peer editing portion of the assignment.

I have been in this situation multiple times in .... every school semester/quarter I have ever been in. When will I learn? Procrastination will be the death of me. I swear, one day my body will be ready to die and mentally I'll be saying, "No wait... just a few more hours. I'm still enjoying something completely unimportant." Thank you internet and itunes and Studio Ghibli and... I'm sure I've participated in multiple distracting things this weekend.

Well shoot, I hope I get some sleep before I have to go back to work tonight at 5pm. It's either sleep.... or the other Monster Can. the one that is sitting in my refrigerator. Not the one that is empty and coursing through my veins mocking me with every waking moment I am now suffering from. I WANT TO SLEEP. But I am in no way shape or form tired. ............I'm gonna die later on in the day. I'm sure it'll happen in class. I'll come down from this ridiculous hype and just crash and burn (snore).

And now I'm hungry. Great. Breakfast isn't for at least three more hours. *sob* Why did I procrastinate!?

Friday, March 25, 2011


So at work tonight, I was delivering a pizza..... and I got a flat tire at the person's house. I was having such a great day too... Oh well, it'll get fixed in the morning. But it still sucks.

So here's a recap of my almost-perfect day :)

First: I got some gaming time before class and I totally took some names and kicked some butt!
Second: I got an A on a paper in English class, and my teacher used a quote from my paper in her lesson today
Third: I was interviewed by a reporter for my school news paper about my art! it was so awesome! :D
Fourth: My boss told me that his brother who owns another one of the pizza shops requested me by name to work for him for a little while, and they kind of fought over me. (which i find both amusing and very flattering! haha!) So I guess that makes me a "good employee" :D
Fifth: I made almost $40 in tips tonight

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand then i got my flat tire. :<
honestly though, I have no need to complain! I've had such a wonderful day. Maybe I got the flat for a reason. Maybe the next delivery was bad juju or something?  Who knows! But hey, i got to head home a little earlier than expected ;D so that's good too!

okay, now I'm going to share some of the art I showed the reporter :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Worst Music Video Ever

Love You Tender is a pretty, uh... sweet song. I guess. I don't know. I can't take it seriously after watching the video for it. Click on the name and you;ll be sent on quite the adventure of giggles and possible crying.


I just found something that's Absolutely Hilarious!!!!! Click it, watch it... be educated by it. hahaha! i love the internet!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Japan was hit with an 8.9 earthquake, followed by a raging tsunami. Over 10k are dead, and their nuclear plant is leaking.

I'm absolutely heart broken by these series of events. Japan is a beautiful country full of sophistication and knowledge. I'm so scared for all the Japanese people right now... When I first heard about this tragedy a few days ago, I felt my heart sink. As I watched the news, I cried. I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't want to see any more of it. I've never had a bigger urge to just go hop on a plane and help people.

Sadly, I'm unable to do that for many reasons. BUT! As an artist, I am able to display my emotions through my art. I posted these paintings, above and below, on my deviant art page, and someone left me a comment to a link on Face Book. It's a Charity called Drawings for Japan.

So for all my fellow artists out there, or if anyone knows an artist... please share this page and let's all give Japan something. Let us show that we are thinking of them and that they are loved.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


So yesterday I got sucked in to a video game for about 6 hours straight while my mom was gone running errands. I hadn't intended to play the game for so long, but it's so addicting! The game is Dragon Age Origins, and I had almost beat it, but then i decided to start a new game file and hoard all my health potion things for the epic end battle that I die so miserably in. So i started a new game a few days ago and I'm about half way done. Well my mom came home and i turned off the game to go pick up my sister from school. When I came back I asked my mom if I could play again, she said "No my shows are on, go draw or something."
Well... I didn't really feel like drawing. So instead I cleaned out the back of my car, tried watching some t.v. and then decided, "eh okay, I'll draw"

So... I always have my music playing while I'm doodling. And when "Is He Alive" by the Rednex came on (yes, I have that song, I have it because it's funny. don't judge, man.) And all just went downhill from there!! hahaha, this is what happened.

This is my character Tenchi ... and that ball thing is "STRANGER DANGER" ... so remember kids! Beware of strangers! Everyone and Everything aren't always what they seem!  :O