Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cards and Holidays

Hey guys!

it's been a while. So sorry for the lack of commitment I've shown to this blog... a lot has happened, and I have quite an earful to tell you (or perhaps an eyeful for you to read???). So in my last blog, I told you about the huge memorial day BBQ we were going to have at my parent's house... well, after said BBQ, me and Clint decided to move back into the Casita (the nickname bestowed by my sister, Britney, to the guest house on my parent's property). So I had put in my 2-weeks notice to MDA and within a week or two, we were all moved out. In the middle of this process, we had devoted all of our free time into remodeling the Casita. We tore out the carpet and old flooring and put new wood floors into the bedroom and stained the rest of the floors. We painted all the rooms and replaced a few outlets, and all the plate covers. It was a dusty, dirty, tiring process, but it was well worth it.

After moving in, we were both unemployed for a few weeks, so we both spent all our time decorating and trying to find proper arrangements for our furniture along with job hunting. Clint got a job as a painter for his mother's apartment complex, and I am now a key-holder at Hallmark. I really like my new job, and I love the group of people I work with.

In January, Clint will be starting school. He will just be doing his general education classes, but he's thinking of studying something in the Medical field. I'm so proud of him for going to school and the choices he's making.

We're all ready for Christmas and I will be posting pictures once Christmas is slightly closer ;) We don't have room for a big real tree like we did last year, so this year we bought a little 3-4' Martha Stuart tree from Home Depot. It's already decorated with gold lights, flowers, and ornaments. It's really gorgeous!

So that's the majority of the update on what's going on in the Carpenter home. I will try to update again real soon! See you later!

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