Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Okay, so I've been collecting sauce jars (I had no idea why....until now). I've been trying to figure out something cute/simple/cheap to do with them. well this morning I had an epiphany! Fabric.

Even though it shames me to say this... I went to Walmart. I needed a hot glue gun and some cute fabric. As much as I hate that store, I will give them points for having good fabric selections. I even got a cute little pink hot glue gun for like $2! :D

So here's a step by step process of what I did to my jars:

First I had to clean out the jar and I had to soak it for about half an hour to get all the paper product off of the outside of it.

Then I had to choose my fabrics and matching ribbon. Then I wrapped part of the fabric around the jars and cut out the amount I needed. Just kind of pick up an edge and hold it against the jar, roll, and when the fabric meets, I gave it an extra inch to over lap, then I cut out the fabric for the jars.

After you have your fabric, just make sure your glue gun is ready to go, and bada-bing, bada-boom! here's the end result!

Super easy, super cheap, super quick. Now I just have to figure out what to put IN the Jars... great.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I'm back to my tumblr addiction

I have 15 minutes before I have to go to the office. TIME TO SHARE TUMBLR LAUGHS!


Awaiting Chipotle...

So Clint called me and we're gonna have lunch together at Chipotle. I'm so excited!
I don't know why I'm blogging about this though. I think I'm really just bored and trying to keep my promises of updating this thing. So anyway, I'm one day closer to my freedom from Pizza. I told a couple of my buddies at work last night and they were all bummed out, which made me kind of sad. But then once I started to clean up the kitchen, that sadness went away and my brain was pretty much like, "SEE YA SUCKERS!"

Oh man! I am getting so excited! I will have so much more time to paint/doodle/who knows what else! ......and so much more time to find stupid crap on the internet that makes me laugh uncontrollably! LIKE THIS!

It reminds me of my mom's relationship with my cat! hahahahahaha!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Married Life and Crafts

Sorry, I've neglected my blog for quite some time now. Life's been busy and fast-paced! I am now a married woman and I love every moment of it! My husband treats me like a queen, and He constantly shows his love for me. We got married on November 11th, 2011 (11-11-11) and so each month on the 11th, he goes out and buys me flowers and spoils me with lots of tender little kisses. :)

So, I've moved to a new apartment with my dear hubby, and it took a while for us to get it up and decent looking. I mean, the apartment it gorgeous, it was just remodeled, but what I meant is that it's taken us a little while to get it to look like a home. But I think it's just about there! We still have a few things left to do, but it's getting there...

So this week, I put in my 2-weeks notice at the pizza parlor. I can taste the sweet freedom now! Don't get me wrong, I like the job, and i like the people I work with... I just can't do it anymore. I'm so done with it. I close almost every night I work, and I'm exhausted. My husband works all day, then he comes home and I'm usually going out the door when he's walking in the door. So I took on another job so that things could possibly work out better for us. I am now managing our apartment complex that we live in, and so our rent and PG&E and all that stuff is paid for and as soon as I'm done at the parlor, We can have dinner together more than once a week! I'm so excited! I also told my hubby (Clint) that I'm so excited to be able to paint my nails again. He laughed and I said, "It's the simple things in life that make me happy, dear."

So back to making my apartment a home...
Thanks to my mother and my older sister, I've done a couple of simple projects that I have just fallen in love with!

The first one my mom gave me the idea for. We were at Pier1 and I found a picture rod (it almost looked like a curtain rod, but it has little wires wrapped around it and making loops to hold/pinch pictures on), and she said it would be a good idea to hang fabric from one side and put pictures on the other side. So I went to the fabric store and got 2 yards of fabric, then sewed a little curtain (by hand... ouch!) to hang from the picture rod. Then I developed some of our favorite wedding pictures to put on the top.

The second project involves my sister's input. My mom had bought me one of those wall art stickers. It said "Live Every Moment. Love Beyond Words. Laugh Everyday." And I really loved it! However, when Clint got home he read the directions and pointed out to me that it wouldn't work on flat paint. Dagnabbit! I was so bummed out. But then My sister came over and gave me the idea to put the word on the glass of a picture frame and to put fabric in the frame. GENIUS! So off to the fabric store again!

HUZZAH! :D I'm so stinkin' excited about how these things turned out! and they were so simple to make! Well, hopefully I wont neglect my blog so much (especially after I get so much more free time!) and I'll keep this thing updated. :)