Saturday, June 4, 2011

That Thing...

So I had a 6 hour shift at work today. Well, almost 7 hours, really. Anyway, my boss, Alan, can be quite terrifying when he's ticked off (ANGRY MAN!), and me and my fellow co-workers try to hide and avoid him at all costs. No one likes to be yelled at, but it happens. Anyway this isn't the point of my blog, but it leads up to it...
So Alan was in a pretty bad mood, and I was thankfully sent off on a delivery. I was so happy to be out of the pizza parlor! When i finished my delivery and came back in the store, Alan had calmed down significantly, and we even had some sarcastic jokes towards each other, like usual. Then he asked if I was ready to go home. HECK YEAH! I didn't want to stick around for another anger flood! So I was collecting my cash and receipts and I clocked out. Now, when a delivery driver clocks out, we're supposed to get a print out of all the deliveries we made with all the financial information and coupon information that we handled. I went to the back and i didn't see mine, so i went into the office thinking "Oh Alan must have taken it in there for me." So i go in and I don't see it. Alan comes in behind me and I turned around and looked at him and said "Alan, my thingy never came out."

I really need to think before I speak.

Alan looked at me and just turned red and began laughing to the point where he teared up a little. Not yet realizing what was so funny i just looked at him blankly. Then it was like the light bulb above my head just came on. "Pffft, oh my gosh, I uh, I didn't mean for that to sound so...well, bad." Alan at this point couldn't breathe pretty much. He looked at me, still laughing, and said "Go tell Pam that you can't find your thingy! See what she says!!" at this point, folks, I'm having a giggle fit, because my other boss, Miss Pam, has a really fun sense of humor and I had no idea what she would say about my...thingy. So Alan and I run back to go get Pam. "Pam!"
"My thingy never came out!"

".......What the hell is that supposed to even mean!?"
"My thing! I never got it!"
"You talkin' about your PRINTOUT? it's called a 'printout' Lindsay."

"....I like calling it a 'thingy' better."

so i get my thingy printed out and then Alan and I go back to the office so i can cash out and go home. Alan then explains to me that his mind is usually not very dirty, but what i had said was just too...provocative to not laugh at. So everyone in the kitchen had heard about my THING and they were all having a good laugh, so then i turned to Alan and said "See how much joy my thingy brings into people's lives?" then I left. pretty sure this is gonna be the new joke from now on at work. fun stuff, guys. FUN STUFF! :D

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you found your thingy! I would be a sad rittre ferrah without it! Hehe...
