Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Zombies vs. Unicorns

Okay, so for my first blog I've decided to touch on a book i just bought last night. "Zombies vs. Unicorns" ...no joke. I was walking through Borders and, lo and behold, this book caught my eye. There was no title on the cover, and the spine wasn't showing. All i saw on the cover was a silhouette of a Zombie, the abbreviation "vz." and another Silhouette of a Unicorn.
I will admit, I have never been so intrigued by another book in all my life. This book looked fun and cracky and like I'd be laughing the whole time I held it. And all i had seen at this point was the cover! I know we're all taught to never judge a book by its cover, but man-oh-man does this book's cover serve it justice! I opened the book, and the first little passage says this:
"Since the dawn of time one question has dominated all others: Zombies or Unicorns? Well, okay, maybe not since the dawn of time, but definitely since February 2007..." 
Yes, people, I'm odd. I like odd things. I'm an artist. It's a given that I'm gonna be weird. This first little passage (which continues on to make me giggle and snort like a giddy little pig) had won me over. It's my kind of humor. So far, the book is mainly just two authors debating back and forth over which is better: ZOMBIES or UNICORNS. So far, the Zombies argument is way crackier and fun. It's a fun read. Completely mindless and something to take your worries away. Kind of like singing "Hakuna Matata!" Timon and Pumba (somehow, I think I totally butchered the spelling on their names. I'm horrible at spelling, guys.) know their stuff!
Anywho, here's a site if you want to look into the book http://promo.simonandschuster.com/zombiesvsunicorns/

1 comment:

  1. XD lol Oh wow....... Well that definately looks like your type of book!
