Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Greatest Decor in Life is Cheap...

Okay, so this blog entry will be a sort of tutorial. Unfortunately I don't have step-by-step pictures. BUT, the great thing about this project is you really can do it however you want!

So this is what I made...

All this consists of is the following:
  • Twine
  • Clothes Pins
  • Water Color Paints (the kiddy kind in the tray)
  • Paper
  • Thumb Tacks/Push Pins (whatever you decide to call them) 

This project was under $10.00. And the greatest thing about it, is you seriously can make it into whatever you want! : )

So my kitchen really has no "theme" to it... Just colors. I guess "Colors" would be the theme. I don't have any set of particular colors, I just want my kitchen to be bright and colorful. And I wanted to have SOME sort of decoration on the wall.

First thing's first, you gotta decide how it's going to hang on the wall. I can't even really tell you how I did that pattern with the twine... I hung it up a while ago, and I don't remember step-by-step of what I did to get it that way... However I CAN tell you that I wrapped the string once around each tack so that it wouldn't wiggle or fall off.

Then, depending on your wall pattern that you've just created, you can calculate how many little images you can/want to put up on it. Originally I had three on the top and bottom and four in the middle, and they were all the same size. But it's been a few months and I got bored with it, so I decided to change it up today. Solid colors are very simple and anyone can do them (regardless of if you consider yourself artistic or not). All you do is paint the paper a solid color. That's it. If you want to add design to it, then by all means go ahead. Use stamps, stencils, or free hand it. 

Then you just hang up the pictures with the clothes pins! Simple as that. Add your own personal touch to any room, any way you like... FOR LESS THAN $10!!!!

If any of you decide to do this, I'd love to see what you do with it : )

Friday, June 8, 2012


Okay, so I was lurking around on Pinterest and I stumbled upon this adorable idea...

How cute is that? I thought to myself, "Dang, I could totally make something like that really quick..." and I looked around my apartment and decided my living room could use a little extra flavor. Now, the "theme" (i guess that's what you could call it...) for my living room is Owls. I sat there and thought for a minute and decided I was going to take the concept of the flower picture above, and use scrap book paper to make an owl instead of a flower (But I still totally want to make a flower too!). 

Yesterday I went to Beverly's Crafts and bought 5 pieces of double-patterned scrap booking paper (one one side was one pattern, and on the back side was a different pattern). Then last night I picked out a 16"x20" canvas from my art room (more like a junk room, but still), and painted it yellow. Then this afternoon I gathered together my pretty papers and I got out my oval hole puncher. I used just about every inch of all the papers. I still have half of 2 papers... So it really doesn't take much. Then I got to work trying to figure out the pattern and order of the papers, the placements of everything, and where the heck my glue was! 

After I found the glue (it was on top of my desk the whole time...), I began piecing my owl together on the canvas. Long story short, this is the end result!

For the eyes, beak, and ears, I just used my x-acto knife. Scissors would work just as well, but I was too lazy to get up and go get them from the kitchen. My knife was just sitting there on the table, so yeah... I used that. But yeah, this was really quick and a fun little project to do. I recommend it to everyone young and old! It's super easy and fast.