Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Hey there!

I haven't been here in a while, and I believe it is time for an update from Mrs. Carpenter! Well, the biggest (and crummiest) news is that hubby got laid off from his job. Times are hard, and his employers couldn't afford to keep him. Though, one of the bosses said that if things pick up, he'd call him and invite him back into the work. So there's a silver lining on this ominous dark cloud...

Some brighter news: my sister FINALLY got her house! Britney and David have been fighting to get into a house for a long time! And it's finally happened! Hooray! Some more great news in my small world: I have multiple friends that are pregnant! And my mom bought me a sewing machine for my birthday, so I'm going to practice making baby quilts and clothes for my friends so that by the time WE have children, I'll be all pro-status!
While I'm on the subject of sewing, let me just say this... I am scared of sewing any part of my hand to fabric. Is this a real possibility? Probably not. But does that large sewing needle, moving up and down at a rapid speed, scare the living you-know-what out of me? Yes. Very much so. And because of this fear, I cannot sew a straight line to save my life! I must conquer this irrational fear and become a wonderful seamstress!

Moving on... Clint busted out his meat smoker and decided to see if he still knew how to smoke a tri tip over at my parents house. We ended up having a smoked dinner two nights in a row over at my parent's house! Smoked tri tip one night, and smoked chicken breasts the next! Clint still has a knack for smoking meat! And I greatly benefit from it, ha ha!

My parents have been lending a huge helping hand to us while we've been struggling... Clint's been working part time at my dad's shop and my parents are helping us in every way they can. My mom has offered to buy us food, and we've eaten over at their house almost every night. They've even offered their back house to us rent-free so we could both work and earn an income. My job only provides the apartment and utilities. I don't really get much of a pay check. So there's no way I can support us. But you know, I really am not too worried about it. Clint served a full-time mission for the church, we got married in the temple, and we're trying our best to keep the commandments of the gospel. I really do think Heavenly Father will take care of us.

Clint is thinking of going back to school, and he's thinking of a medical career. I fully support whatever he wants to do, and I will do my best to help him bear his burdens with whatever path he ends up on.

 Artistically, I'm struggling a little bit right now. I'm in a funk and I can't seem to draw or paint anything right. I know it will pass, but it's endlessly frustrating. I feel like it's happening more and more often. I'm not really happy with my art style either... I want it to be somewhat more realistic looking. I'm working on it... Slowly but surely I'll get where I want to be, I'm sure. However, on the other hand, our apartment looks freaking cute and I'm proud of it. I'm thinking of trying something new... I have a bunch of scrap book paper and I wanna tear pieces of it up and make an autumn tree/forest scenery with the shreds of paper... Maybe I will try that sometime within the next couple of weeks.

Oh, I finished my mom's shed too. Here's a picture of the before and after... 

Everyone that's seen it thinks it's the cutest thing ever. It blows my mind. Like, yeah I think it's cute and fun, but I don't think it's something to sell myself on. My mom's friend want to make an ad for me on craigslist.com saying that I can paint murals and stuff for like kid's bedrooms... Making money off of my art would be fantastic. But I don't think I'm quite at that level to sell it yet... Maybe in a year or two.

Last week I decided I hate teaching in Primary. I seriously cannot stand bratty kids. They drive me nuts. there's a couple of kids in there that I absolutely adore, but... I want out. I want out now. Me and Clint are still struggling with liking and fitting into our ward. The only people I really know are my visiting teachers. I really like them, they are super nice... but the rest of the ward I could really care less for. I am seriously debating asking to get our records switched back into First Ward. If I knew Spanish, like Clint, I wouldn't even mind going into La Cresta Ward. I hate that I'm so bitter towards my new ward, but I honestly just don't enjoy a single minute of church while I'm there. I have never felt the spirit (and maybe that's my fault because I'm so bitter) while attending that ward. We look for any and every excuse in the book to go to a different ward. We crash First Ward all the time. I miss my Young Women and my calling in the YW organization. I feel so much love and devotion for those girls, and I miss being excited to teach a lesson or to go to church and see their sweet little faces...

Well, I believe this is just about all I have to say for now. I'll try to be more attentive to my blog and share updates in my life as they happen, instead of dumping a whole lot on you all at once. Thanks for stopping by and reading through! :)